To SBCC members – South Bank Cricket Club gives the following advice to users of the cricket nets for training during the Covid-19 Pandemic
We explicable note that SBCC members should follow Government guidance on social distancing and the use of public transport and particularly regarding those in vulnerable groups or within households that have vulnerable people or persons;
We wish to additionally NOTE the following government guidance in relation to attending SBCC nets at Turney Road.
Any such flouting of government and indeed our local rules and guidelines will mean that individuals will not be allowed to attend subsequent training or net sessions and may have their membership revoked.
Try to NOT use public transport when attending practice nets, i.e. walk or cycle. We do not want to put an extra burden on the public transport systems and also increase rates of infections. Where possible use face coverings.
ONLY meet the designated 1 person per day in a public outdoor space and in addition maintain the 2 metre social distancing rules at all times.
DO NOT go out or attend the SBCC practice nets if you display any of the associated symptoms of the coronavirus and indeed self isolate.
DO NOT attend the SBCC nets if you have been in proximity to anyone who has tested positive for the coronavirus in the past 14 days
DO NOT ATTEND the SBCC nets if you have in your household anyone who is deemed vulnerable under the government guidelines. In short, but please see guidance, anyone within your household who has an underlying illness or condition that may increase the risk of hospitalisation and indeed death with contraction of coronavirus particularly covid-19.
- SBCC members shall enter Dulwich Sports Ground (DSG – Turney Road) with pre-approval from either the Saturday or Sunday captains.
- The main gate and side gate should remain locked/closed at all times to prevent entry by others.
- It should be noted that the clubhouse, bar and catering facilities will remain closed.
- Access to equipment, toilet and hand washing facilities can be accessed through the side door where a key lockbox can be found on the wall.
- Only pre-arranged games or pre-arranged individual practice sessions shall be permitted on Wednesdays only.
- Maximum of 6 people in 3 pairs at anyone time maintaining social distancing at all times.
- There should be no more than two players per net (or maximum four from one household) in one net providing social distancing from others in maintained at all times.
- A gap of one net shall be maintained at all times providing 2 metres of social distancing (the middle net can not be used).
- If a cricket ball from one net shall fall within this 2 metres then play should stop for retrieval whilst players adhere to the 2 metre rule.
- No extra-curricular or social activity should take place, including no consumption of alcohol.
- No guests / visitors / spectators should be permitted. (SBCC Members Only).
- No equipment or personal belongings should be swapped between players, borrowed or used by others,
- Each player should show up with their own equipment and should only use their own equipment.
- Bowlers should use their own cricket ball and not apply any spit or sweat onto their cricket ball.
- Batsmen should not pick up a cricket ball unless they have batting gloves on.
- If a batsmen gets hit in the grill from a full toss then a spare ball needs to be used ( until said ball has been left in the sunlight for 10 mins)
If you are experiencing any symptoms of a cold or flu, in particular a cough or high temperature. Use the NHS helpline and seek advice. For your own protection, follow the advice about self-isolation, if you are, or are living with, someone in one of the vulnerable groups.
You should only play with people from your own household or by yourself or, as long as you stay 2 metres apart, with one other person from outside your household. Groups of more than two people must all be from the same household. This means you cannot have two or three people from one household plus one person from outside the household playing together. But two people, from two different households, can play together as long as they stay 2 metres apart.
Any activity should be in line with the Government’s social distancing measures at all times, including when going to and departing from the net.
Wash your hands and clean any equipment you use before and after you play.
When setting up and taking a net, only one person should handle any particular gate or stumps with gloves on.
- Clean padlocks, keys and door handles before and after use.
- Avoid using toilets wherever possible and clean after use.
- Wash hands before and after
You must book prior, do not turn up in the hope of being able to play or practise.
If possible, dress appropriately prior to travelling to the club, rather than changing there.
Bring any food or drink you might need. DO NOT SHARE
Further ECB Advice click on file below.

return_to_activity_in_a_cricket_club_setting.pdf |